Sequence file format

LED display sequences cab be exported in either text or binary form, the format of which is modelled on processor assembly language and it is assumed there is some form of display buffer. Most of the instructions in an exported sequence will be pushing runs of LED on/off values into this buffer, which causes the affected rows of columns to shift by one LED. These instructions are summarised in the table below together with their operation code and binary encodings.

Opcode Encoding Description
Data 0ddddddd Shift column from right
ShDn 100ddddd Shift rows down from above
ShUp 101ddddd Shift rows up from bottom
Wait 110ttttt Time delay
- 1110xxxx Unused
- 111101xx
- 111110xx
- 11111100
Load 11111101 Start silent column loading
Done 11111110 Loading finished
Halt 11111111 Stop display

Unless silent loading mode has been enabled with a Load instruction and not disabled by a subsequent Done instruction, there is an implicit one-cycle delay after the execution of a Data instruction. All other instructions aside from Wait have no delay before the subsequent instruction is processed.