About Taispeaint

Taispeaint is an application that creates animation sequences for display on LED dot-matrix displays. Originally called wxLED before it was rewritten to use GTK/PyGObject rather than wxPython, it was conceived at a time when I was building the electronics for such displays and needed an easy way to create the sequences for it to display. For ease of use it is based around glyphs and a limited number of scrolling patterns, and it outputs an instruction stream that specifies the display animation sequence.

Screenshot of main screen

Animation sequences

While the ability to show arbitrary patterns is a requirement the ultimate goal is to optimise for the common use-case of displaying text messages. A display sequence consists of a series of glyphs, each of which is seven LEDs tall and up to twenty LEDs wide. Its presentation is animated in three stages seperates by optional delays as summerised:-
  1. Sequence initial entry:
    • Appearing immediately
    • Scrolling up from below
    • Scrolling in from right
    • Scrolling down from above
  2. An optional delay
  3. Remaining sequence scrolling in from right
  4. Another optional delay
  5. Sequence final exit
    • No futher animation
    • Scrolling off upwards
    • Scrolling off downwards
    • Scrolling off to the left
  6. A final optional delay before next sequence
And a sequence animation preview in action:

Screenshot of main screen


The author can be contacted via email: remy.horton (at) gmail.com